


    20131114  德国广播与纽约时报的采访


    两周前接受了德国广播协会驻京记者Ruth Kirchner的采访,是一个没想到的题目,先请看下图:

    ARD German Radio采访



















    Mr. Guo breeds pit bullsand other potential fighting dogs. He’s guarded about what he does. Pit bullsare illegal in much of Beijing, as are 40 other breeds deemed “vicious andlarge” by the police, including the Dalmatian, collie and Weimaraner, and somevalued in other countries as guide dogs.

    ‘‘I love dogs, and I love this one.Its character is really very sweet if it’s not trained to be aggressive, andits musculature is beautiful,’’ said Mr. Guo, who is in his 20s and lives onthe outskirts of Beijing with other dog lovers, where regulations are looser.He asked that only his surname be used to avoid repercussions.

    Do his dogs take part inorganized fights? Given growing reports, both anecdotal and in the local media,of dog fighting for sport and money, it seemed a reasonable question. Lastyear, The Beijing News reported that the pit bull was the fighting dog ofchoice in the capital. In other parts of China, the Tibetan mastiff waspopular, the newspaper said. Dog fighting in nearby counties was wellorganized, and people often gambled between 1,000 and 20,000 renminbi, or $160to $3,300, on a single encounter, it said.

    No, said Mr. Guo. ‘‘I justget together with others who have dogs, on the weekend, in the mountains, andwe enjoy our dogs. I know that there is dog fighting here. But we are veryinnocent.’’

    Even if Mr. Guo’s dogswere taking part in fights, that in itself would not be illegal unless gamblingwas involved. China has no general laws proscribing cruelty to animals, thoughit does have protections for endangered species as well as veterinary andhealth regulations for animal husbandry.

    But the reports of dogfighting, which is illegal in many countries — the animals often battle to thedeath, and losers may be killed by their owners — have provided animal loverswith yet another argument that China urgently needs laws to protect animalwelfare.

    The lack of such laws isdeeply frustrating for many Chinese, as revulsion grows at what they say is theroutine abuse of animals. There are regular citizen-led rescues of cats anddogs headed to the restaurant table. They are also alarmed by incidents oftorture.

    ‘‘There’s too much torture ofanimals,’’ said Mr. Guo.

    Last Sunday, a group ofpeople, some holding signs calling for animal welfare laws, demonstrated in theTemple of Heaven park in Beijing after dozens of cats that roam wild there havebeen found stabbed to death, at the rate of about two a day starting in earlyOctober, according to news reports.

    The government does notpublicly explain why it is not moving ahead with such a law, years afteracademics and animal lovers began lobbying for one. They drew up a suggestedtext and offered it to the National People’s Congress for consideration in2009.

    Zhang Dan, a co-founder ofthe Animal Protection Network, said China was ‘‘nowhere near’’ getting a law.

    ‘‘We think that at the highestlevel of state there is a lack of interest. They think that people’s problemsare not yet solved, so animals’ problems should be set aside,’’ Ms. Zhang said.

    ‘‘They constantly compare thesituation of people and animals but don’t understand that the situation ofanimals is related to that of people,’’ she said. ‘‘To protect animals is toprotect people. A lot of people here still don’t get that.’’

    ‘‘The other thing is that theysimply don’t grasp the extent of the abuse, of the tragedy, and how damaging itis to China’s international image,’’ she said, pointing to negative reports onChinese eating cats and dogs, and to how countries poorer than China haveanimal protection laws, ‘‘including in Africa.’’

    Some basic measuressuggested in the proposed law would include fines for abusing animals andbanning certain ones from dinner tables. The first measure would, in theory,help prevent dog fights, where blood and fur fly.

    Observing three matches onthe outskirts of Beijing last year, The Beijing News wrote that there were twosituations in which a winner was declared: if one dog retreated and refused tofight, or if it was bitten to death. The car license plates at the event, fromnearby Hebei Province and Tianjin, showed that people had traveled to takepart, the report said. ‘‘I hear there’s a lot of it in the countryside, like inShandong Province,’’ said Mr. Guo.

    并不全是坏消息。当Didi今天再次打来电话时,她这次采访的是我国在取消化妆品动物实验之路上迈出的重要一步:国家食品药品监督管理总局11月5日发布了《关于征求调整化妆品许可备案管理有关事宜意见的函》,如何解读?如何评价?该函虽然读起来很长很拗口,但可以借由国际人道对待动物协会HSI的新闻标题“中国将逐步取消化妆品动物试验强制命令  ‘终止动物残忍’活动取得重大成果”而看得分明。好事,大好事,难得的大好事。万里长征迈出了重要的第一步。不仅中国的化妆品企业再不用为了取得销售许可而进行残忍而不必要的动物实验,那些坚守人道原则、绝不为了进入中国市场而背信弃义的人性化国际品牌-Lush(中译露诗或岚舒)、The BodyShop(中译美体小铺)、Seventh Generation(七世代)等在华销售之日也就在望了。如果化妆品动物实验能被废除,那么药品和其他行业的动物实验被废除之日也就不再是遥遥无期了。美丽无需残忍!饶了可怜可爱的小白兔和小白鼠吧!




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